Explore the Wall


Our Native Landscape highlights 16 species of flora and fauna that are native to the San Francisco Bay Area. Often hiding in plain sight among non-native and invasive plants, these native plants help preserve biodiversity and support other native wildlife. Follow along the wall to learn more about each species and where you can find them locally.

Mural by Amy “Ame Mei” Koehler with:

Designed and painted by Ame Mei. Assisted by: Jess Soriano, Pablo “Raiz” Arroyo, and Elina Niftaliyeva



San Francisco Lessingia, Lessingia germanorum
This rare and endangered plant, native to the San Francisco Bay Area, lives in vegetation gaps on sand dunes. It is only found in the Presidio and has one population outside of San Francisco, in Daly City.

Flowers in the Summer and Fall









Arroyo Lupine, Lupinus succulentus
Arroyo lupine is native to California. You’ll find it in the East Bay and south of San Francisco in places like Pulgas Ridge Preserve, Temescal Regional Recreation Area, Tilden Regional Park, and Briones Regional Park.

Flowers in Spring and Winter


Sticky Monkey-Flower, Diplacus aurantiacus
Sticky monkey-flower is native to the west coast from southern Oregon to Baja California. Some places you can spot it are Glen Park Canyon, Lake Merced, San Bruno Mountain State Park, and Temescal Regional Recreation Area.

Flowers in the Spring, Summer, and Winter


Varied Lupine, Lupinus variicolor
Varied lupine is native to the north of California, where it is found in coastal scrub or coastal prairie. The Mission Blue butterfly relies on this species of lupine as a host plant. You can find it in the Presidio and farther south near Moss and Montara Beach.


Pacific Hound’s Tongue, Cynoglossum Grande
Pacific hound’s tongue is native to the west coast from British Colombia to California. You can find it south of San Francisco in places such as Pulgas Ridge Preserve or in the East Bay in Tilden Regional Park and Temescal Regional Recreation Area.

Flowers in the Spring, Summer, and Winter


Black-tailed Bumble Bee, Bombus melanopygus
The black-tailed bumble bee is native to western North America. This bee can have either an orange or dark rump, but the dark colored version is more common in California! It nests both above and underground and is adaptable when it comes to habitat. If you look hard enough, they can be seen all over the city


California Fuschia, Epilobium canum
California fuschia is native to California and known for attracting hummingbirds. It can be found in Golden Gate Park, Mount Sutro, Mission Dolores Park, Buena Vista Park, McLaren Park, and more.

Flowers in Summer and Fall


Common Yarrow, Achillea millefolium
Common yarrow is native to the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found throughout San Francisco, in the Presidio, Twin Peaks, Bernal Heights, Mount Davidson, and more.

Flowers in the Spring and Summer





Mission Blue Butterfly, Icaricia icarioides missionensis
The Mission blue butterfly is an endangered native species found in only a few locations in the Bay Area. It has populations in the Marin Headlands, Skyline ridges, San Bruno Mountain, and Twin Peaks. The larvae only feed on 3 lupine species, making their protection critical to the Mission blue’s survival.


Hooker’s Evening Primrose, Oenothera elata
Hooker’s evening primrose is native to western and central North America. It’s flowers are nocturnal and is often pollinated by the sphinx moth (13). It can be seen at Lake Merced or driving along the coast in Pacifica.

Flowers in the Summer and Fall


Dune Tansy, Tanacetum bipinnatum
Dune tansy is native to central and northern California. It grows on coastal strand. You can spot it at Lake Merced, The Sunset, and Land’s End.

Flowers in the Summer and Fall







Yellow Sand Verbena, Abronia latifolia
Sand verbena is native to the west coast of North America and is found in coastal foredunes. It can be spotted in The Sunset, Land’s End, the Presidio, and along the beaches of Pacifica.

Flowers in the Spring, Summer, and Fall


White-lined Sphinx Moth, Hyles lineata
The white-lined sphinx moth can be found throughout Central and North America. They are common pollinators; pollinating flowers such as hooker’s evening primrose. Coast buckwheat and seaside daisy act as a host plants for this moth.


Pacific Aster, Symphyotrichum chilense
Pacific aster is native to the western North America, from California to British Columbia. It can be found along the coast and in coastal mountain ranges. It can be seen in Candlestick Point State Recreation Area, McLaren Park, Lake Merced, and more.

Flowers in the Summer


Seaside Daisy, Erigeron glaucus
Seaside daisy is native to the California and Oregon coast. This plant can be easily spotted along the coastal bluff and dunes in the city. Check along Ocean beach, The Sunset, Land’s End, and the Presidio

Flowers in the Spring, Summer, and Winter


Coast Buckwheat, Erigonum latifolium
Coast buckwheat is native to the coastline of the western United States from central California to Washington State. You can find it along coastal bluffs and scrub, like Fort Funston, Land’s End, and Pacifica.

Flowers in the Summer and Fall


Native Plant Gardens in San Francisco
“Pollinator and Native Plant Gardens in San Francisco”, www.sfenvironment.org

Free Botanical Gardens, with Native Plant Garden
The San Francisco Botanical Gardens is free to all San Francisco residents, open 7:30-4/6pm

Native Plant Search Tool
California Native Plant Society

Wildflower Hikes
“The Best Hikes for Seeing Spring Wildflowers in the Bay Area”, www.bayarea.com


Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation

Mission Economic Development Agency