Amy Koehler, who also works under Ame Mei and Ame, is an artist and illustrator from San Francisco, California. She is inspired by nature, our desire to be close to it, dreams, the subconscious, the idea of home, and the scope of human emotions— especially those of loneliness, longing, and love. Many of these themes come from her fascination with everyone’s inner world and her personal experience navigating the in-between as a mixed individual.

She hopes to use art and illustration as a means of storytelling, connection, and teaching. With science illustration, she finds it especially important that illustrations spark curiosity, as well as make scientific findings and concepts more accessible to a broader audience.

Ame Mei earned a Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Minor in Drama, and Minor in Spanish from San Francisco State University. She later earned a Graduate Certificate in Science Illustration from California State University Monterey Bay.


  • Graduate Certificate in Science Illustration― California State University Monterey Bay

    Bachelor of Science in Zoology― California State University San Francisco
    Minor in Drama
    Minor in Spanish

  • University of Oxford


    Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

    University of California Davis

    University of California Berkeley

    Journal of the Endocrine Society


    AnimalsToday (Netherlands)

  • Two Cats Gallery, El Cerrito, CA

    Evolved Gallery, San Francisco, CA

    Museum of Natural History, Pacific Grove, CA

    Sketchpad Gallery, San Francisco, CA